Punjab Govt allows 10th class paper marking with SOPs

10th class paper marking PBCC meeting notification

Finally, the big news comes for the students. Punjab Govt has issued a notification describing SOPs to be followed for paper marking of Secondary School Certificate (SSC) 10th class paper marking. The 10th class exams were held in Feb-march 2020 this year. 10th class exams were completed successfully before the outbreak of Coronavirus in Pakistan.

Boards allowed paper checking of class 10, 2020

10th class paper marking today latest news 23 june 2020

The students were anxiously waiting for a final decision of paper marking. The govt has earlier said that all students will be promoted to the next classes without exams. But as 10th class exams had already been taken, not is has been decided to check the papers of 10th class. Now if the marking is done, the result will be made on the basis of marks obtained in the exams 2020.

The PBCC meeting was held with all Punjab Boards'chairmen attending the meeting. The meeting was ended with a decision to mark the taken exams of 10th class. Now the students who have appeared in 10th class exams 2020, will not be promoted to the next level on the basis of 9th class marks.

The notification has been issued for SOPs. A long list of SOPs and rules have been issued by the Govt. All Supretendents of paper marking centers have been directed to ensure the compliance of these SOPs.

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