FAST University Expells Dozens of students for protesting on Social Media

FAST University has recently issued a notification to the students for protesting on social media. The students have been protesting for stopping online classes. They were also protesting against unfair charges of hostel, mess, transportation, library fee etc by the universities.

FAST university expells students for posting memes on social media

FAST University expels protesting students for bad Social Media Posts

In a notification issued to 13 students, the FAST university has taken the stance that students were posting defamatory memes on FAST Lahore posting Group on Facebook. The University demanded the students to post written apology on their Facebook profiles within 10 days from the issuance of the notice.

Some students, Abdul Akhir, Muhammad Annus, Fahad Numan, etc have been expelled from the fall 2020 semesters. Some students were downgraded in 2 MG courses registered in the spring 2020 semester.

The move by the university has been marked totally absurd and unjustifiable by the University. The University's decision to rusticate so many students just for posting their thoughts on social media is unjust.

Dr. Summaria Serfraz, the head of the Disciplinary Committee of the University, also threatens worse consequence if the students do not submit a written apology to her office and not post it on their social media profiles.  She also expressed her apprehensions of legal proceedings against the students under cyberbullying and harassment laws.

Before all this fuss, the students were long protesting for their rights. The students of KPK, especially in tribal areas where internet coverage is very poor or not present at all, were protesting against online classes. The protest of students was not taken seriously by the concerned authorities while universities are sending them Disciplinary notices.

The students have taken the move of the FAST university as a jeopardizing effort against the students.

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