Schools in Punjab to follow SOPs prepare by the governement

The Punjab government has issued comprehensive standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the opening of faculties. According to the document, children are advised to take care of an inter-personal spatial distance of six feet throughout the varsity activities. 

Punjab Govt to Open schools in September

Earlier, in a statement, the education minister has said that Govt is planning to open schools in September. 

Govt issued new SOPs for school reopening

New SOPs for School opening by Punjab Govt

Floor marking for social distancing should be preferred. The seating arrangement in classrooms should be adjusted consistent with the recommended distance. 

If the desks are fixed, seats should be marked with distance, and students must be advised to not change allotted seats. 

Students must avoid handshakes, hugs, and maintain recommended physical distance during the varsity activities.

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The social distancing should even be implemented at the time of entry and exit from the varsity. Larger schools should use quite one entry/exit point to make sure physical distancing. 

Schools that don’t have quite one gate should reschedule opening and shutting hours for every class to avoid crowding. Morning assemblies should be avoided, indoor games, swings, and slides should be closed. 

Play Group, Kindergarten, Nursery classes involving younger kids, play areas, toys, etc., should be avoided during the pandemic. 

Teachers must deliver lectures from a secure distance. they ought to also ensure physical distancing among students during the category. 

School vans/buses/rickshaws should strictly suit 50 percent occupancy. School administrations must ensure implementation in letter and spirit. 

Moreover, private school occupancy should be reduced to 30 percent for as long because the virus situation persists within the country. 

Rooms, toilets, libraries, and dining halls should be regularly disinfected. Communal TV halls, reading circles, indoor games, and people activities in danger of breaking the distancing protocol should be banned. 

These SOPs will be ensured in all schools across Punjab after the government will formally announce the reopening of them in mid of September 2020 as it is expected on the basis of current reports.

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