10th class paper marking started in Punjab latest news

BISE Rawalpindi has started paper marking for 10th class 2020 exams. According to the latest news about 10th class papers and exams from RWP Board, Punjab Govt has started paper marking of 10th class.

Arsalan Cheema, the spokesperson of the board, given the statement in an interview. "The board has started the marking of 10th class paper as per Govt Orders," he said. Now the other boards of Punjab will start marking the papers from 29 July 2020.

BISE RWP starts 10th class paper marking on 29 july

BISE RWP starts 10th class paper marking from 29 July 2020

Al Punjab Govt has earlier promoted all students in Punjab to the next level. But 10th class papers had already been taken before the announcement of the closure of schools due to COVID-19. So, the Govt decided to check the papers of the 10th class not promoting them to the next level.

Punjab Govt has recently made some changes in promotion policy 2020. The IBCC has decided to mark the paper of 10th class with SOPs being observed in marking centers. Training of the staff has already been completed on COVID-19 protection measures and SOPs issued by the Govt.

It is interesting to note that Govt has not yet decided about practical marks or practicals exams. As the pandemic continues to grow in the country, it will not be possible to take practical exams. In that case, the marks for practicals may be given according the marks in theory papers.

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